Greetings Brothers and Sisters in Christ.
We are reminded of the Apostle Paul’s words to Timothy (2 Timothy 1:7) “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” In these unusual days we, as Christians, are not to live in fear but we are charged to use sound judgment and wisdom. In light of this admonition, we as the Board of Owosso First Church of the Nazarene met to determine the best course of actions for the coming few weeks. First and foremost, we see this as an opportunity to minister to our community with love and compassion. But we must do this while showing responsibility. Although these events may have surprised us, they have not taken God by surprise.
Therefore, we have determined to postpone the vote for Lead Pastor until such time that the greatest number of people can participate. We want to give everyone the opportunity to have their voice heard with the least amount of inconvenience. In keeping with Governor Whitmer’s executive order for churches our size, we are postponing on-site services through April 5th. The building will be closed for all ministry events through that time. At this point, all ministries will resume on site as of April 6th. We anticipate all Easter activities to progress as planned. This does not mean that we wish to suspend worship, but that it will look different.
This Sunday we will be streaming an abbreviated service through Facebook Live at 10:00 am on the OFCN Facebook Page. Other worship opportunities are as follow:
- Sunday Worship will be live streamed through a number of venues starting March 22nd. More information regarding this will be posted to our web page Pastor will continue his Easter series as we meet together each week at 10:00 a.m.
- Worship through the Lord’s Table will also be offered to anyone that would desire home communion. Please contact Pastor Jerry at or call (989) 743-3995 to set up a time for home communion. I will also come to your small group and provide communion as I am able.
- Worship through Titles and Offerings. Giving of our titles and offerings is not about money, but is an act of worship. Those who desire to worship God in this way may do so by on-line giving through our web page or may mail their offerings directly to OFCN at P. O. Box 1020, Owosso, Michigan 48867. Please do not send cash.
- Worship through personal connection. Unfortunately, many are anxious at this time and need personal contact. Please reach out to others from within the body and stay connected. This may be through a telephone call, a joint meal, starting a small group or some other contact. The key is for us to stay connected, while being responsible. If you know someone who may not receive this email but might join us on Sunday, reach out to them today.
- Other worship opportunities. We see this as an opportunity to minister to our community. We are exploring various options but if you have ideas, do not hesitate to pass them along. We want to be salt and light to the community.
We know that this will provide some disruption in the life of our church. These decisions have not been made without prayer and input from wise counsel. Our actions are consistent with other Nazarene Churches on the Michigan District that are our size. Events change almost hourly, so adjustments to this may come, but for now this is our plan. With the size of our campus we cannot guarantee, even with our best efforts, that we can daily provide a sanitized environment. Please pray for our world, our nation, our community and our church during these difficult times. God bless you all.
Jerry Walden, Lead Pastor
Owosso First Church of the Nazarene